Tuesday, April 14, 2020


A few Friends have availed ourselves of the circle of park benches in the woods on meetinghouse grounds for Meeting for Worship in Nature when weather permits.  We sit no more than two to a bench, keeping appropriate safe distance apart.  It is quiet except for the chirping and singing of birds.  We look forward to this restorative opportunity to Meet for Worship in this beautiful peaceful safe setting. 

From Susan 


  1. One can imagine putting oneself there in virtual mode even if actual presence is not possible. Peace.

  2. The ambient sounds during Meeting for Worship whether we are meeting inside or outside have always been for me an important part of Worship. Those sounds are in some way, for me at least, another form of "vocal" ministry.

    I remember Larry telling me how important he felt vocal ministry is. I very much agreed with him.

    The intervening silence is of course essential for deepening and broadening the meaning of any vocal ministry for anyone present and, for me at least and I know for others too, the meaning of any ambient sound.

    Twice now or maybe it is three times, since so many of us began spending so much of our time at home, I have worked with Bill in the Quaker Woods. The truth is we don't actually even see each other much. But I expect that neither one of us would be going there were it not for the other. I think it is nice to meet there and spend some time outside in fresh air in the woods getting dirty with so many interesting plants and the sounds of birds, as well as other noises, even if just my own footsteps, and yes I must also not forget the presence of various insects.
